Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chapter 2: the arrest


 On that fatefully day on the 7th of June 1834 when I was twelve years old, I was out on my usually wanderings when I met up with one of my street urchin friends named Tom, who was carrying a large bundle. “What is in the bundle Tom” I asked, he was about to answer my question when all of a sudden Tom said  “ hold these for me will you” and he shoved the bundle into my arms and before I had time to refuse, Tom run off down the road.
Unbeknown to me Tom had spotted a Policeman coming up the street and of course didn’t want to be caught with the bundle in his possession.
All of a sudden there was the policeman standing right in front of me.
“ What is that you are carrying, boy;” the Policeman Asked.
“ Nothing” I said, trying to hide what I was holding
“Looks to big for nothing” said the policeman “ let me have a look”
Inside the bundle were two pairs of men’s shoes.
“ They ain’t my” I said, “another boy gave them me to carry”
“And where is this boy now” demanded the policeman who thought he had seen someone else with this boy but wasn’t quite sure.
“ He ran off down the street after he gave them to me” I wailed.
“Well you are the one with the stolen shoes in your possession so you will be the one who is going to be charged” said the policeman, grabbing me by the scruff of my shirt collar he march me down to Middlesex Gaol
This was the start of the most terrifying time in my life for I didn’t know what was going to happen to me.
I was put into a very dark cell it was so dark I couldn’t tell the day from night but there I had to stay to wait for my trial at The Old Bailey court.

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